So they say second time is a charm but I had second post anxiety and thus took a bit longer to deliver. But now your Martha Stewart, free spirited, bargain hunter is back. I told you this was a journey, and life as I see it, so it is only fair to fess up to my insecurities.
Quality of life means different things to different people and with me it's no different. It means eating out and shopping with my best friend every Tuesday, basking in the summer sun, playing harder than I work, constant love, endless laughter and definitely wearing fabulous clothes. Yes, I said it, I am not materialistic per say but I do love the finer things in life and I am owning that. What I am thriving to do however is not be one to live above my means, nor do I care to covet and obsess over what I can't afford. One has to understand that one can lead a great and happy life without compromising financial modesty. It will take a bit of creativity but will be worth it in the long run.
Financially at this point in my life one may easily say I am poor but I neither feel or live that way and therefore will not give into that notion because it does not define me. I have always made a very modest salary, yet I spend fabulous days in the city, eat at great restaurant have triple $$$ digit fashion items without busting my budget or sinking deeply into debt. Not that I am perfect, I learned my lessons the hard way made immensely retarded financial decisions and started from scratch many times. Hence my creativity in snagging fab for the price of drab. My favorite word in retail is clearance and if it's not in your price range just remember that there will always be great fashion and fabulous finds. I wear $5 cashmere dresses worth over $100, $50+ designer boots worth over $1000 and I can go on and but it makes no sense if I can't help you do the same. For now I will offer some general concise tips but will explore them later int the future. So here are my triple F's and none of them is a curse word.
1. Food- I love food, good food, and lots of it. Somewhere in heaven there is a an endless assortment of meals with my name alongside my bff Eve. Dining in is often the cheapest way but if dining out try to go to a place that has great food, large portions with great prices. One of my favorite is is Thai for all the reasons above. So tap into your favorite cuisine and with a little internet research you will be on your way to a 3 course lunch special for $20. Not to mention taking advantage of restaurant week which is a great way to dine at the otherwise pricey restaurants at cost that is in your budget and favor. And by the way. I have a bunch of inexpensive recipes that will have you kissing your wallets while licking your lips. And don't worry about the weight, I am a little fluffy but the $150 elliptical gathering dust in my bedroom will fix that clearance from ( didn't think I would spend money I don't have yet on a gym membership did you?)
2. Fun- New York City is my personal playground as there are always inexpensive options for just about everything. One of the best ways to have fun here is through mere good company. My friend s and I often just have each other over and when each person brings one item and great time is had for less. Central park is always brimming with excitement, free dance classes, free yoga, free shows and just a general great scene to hang out with friends. 2 friends and I went row boating last Summer in the park and 2 hrs on the lake cost us a total of $18. that was $6 per person and the fun of 3 clumsy girls learning how to row a boat, PRICELESS! I didn't even touch on the great museums and galleries for under $10 and the specially priced Broadway show tickets. So many little aspirin. I need a clone...when clones become a clearance item :-).
3. Fashion- Let me just say, If you are too busy or lazy to shop for bargains, pay me to do it for you. That's as good as it will get. Now say after me "Clearance is my friend" . The key is to choose classic timeless pieces that will not go out of style. It is okay to add a few trendy fad items as long as they are at a great price and can possibly be re-purposed after the fad has passed. The aim is also to get better quality clothing for less so places such as Marshalls, TJ Maxx, Century 21 etc.will offer what's current at a better price. They also give you the privileged access to the very high end Europian designers to the less auspicious everyday necessities below regular so always keep your eyes open for a great deal. The tactic to employ is patience and know that some days will be hits and others will be misses. Looking fabulous may take time but you don't have to break the bank. If time is of the essence shopping online for specific items can be useful. And once again, if you don't care to do that, let me do it for you. (No I do not feel bad for shamelessly advertising myself like a hooker on parade, how else will you learn of my services?). Just remember, Google is your bff and so are websites such as my personal favorite
Now if you have questions or comments about anything feel free to email me at or just hit me up on Facebook. Also make use of commenting under my blog entries, and see me tomorrow for valentine gift ideas with more bang than bucks.
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